Sunday, September 28, 2008

September at BCA

2nd & 3rd Grade Show off their Pharaoh crowns

Elementary Chapel

The BCA community gathers for prayer before school

Monday, September 22, 2008

Secondary Retreat September 2008

Each fall the secondary students of BCA get away from BCA for a time of spiritual refreshment, building relationships and FUN! This year 10 teachers and 45 students spent 3 days at Casa Elim in Bran. David Wright, a guidance counselor from CA, was the speaker and he focused on Faith.
The FUN begins on the train ride to Brasov! Matews, Daniela & Taylor playing cards

David Wright playing cards with Erika, Abby and others. "Hey did someone put down 2 cards???"

The fun continues on the basketball court!! Ege drives in on Dean!Eating!!

And with games!
And studying God's Word