Thursday, May 26, 2011

Christ in the Old Testament

This year in the Secondary Chapels we studied Christ in the OT.  Here is a great summary that was found on the web, it is part of a sermon from Tim Keller. 

Here are some responses of students to the chapel theme this year:
  • I learned that Jesus was shown a lot in the Old Testament, which I had not realized before.
  • I never realized how much the Old Testament points to Jesus.
  • I learned that the Bible is true
  • I learned how everything was planned from the beginning, and how Jesus was with the people.
  • How God had a detailed plan to save his people and began to reveal it in the Old Testament.
  • I loved looking at Bible stories I was so used to, with different eyes.
  • Jesus is everywhere!
  • I learned that when Moses struck the rock, the rock represented Jesus.
  • Jesus is the Lion and the Lamb!
  • I learned you reap what you sow!
 We are thankful for all the ways the Lord has worked in the lives of the students this year!